Practice Improvement Programs

Fully customised & integrated programs

We are able to deliver packaged, fully customised and integrated programs for your network. We work with both small and large groups, for the short-term or long-term, whatever suits your business needs.

Large group forums provide an excellent vehicle for introducing key business development themes. They are an efficient platform to articulate and reinforce your competitive advantages. They are also a cost effective way of providing a valuable forum for advisers to share their experiences (what has worked for them and what have they learnt).  Where possible we will coordinate forums with your existing training schedule to minimise cost and maximise resource efficiencies.

We also facilitate more focussed small group, business development workshops, to drill down further into specific issues relevant to your business. We see these very much as ‘how to’ workshops (it’s often not the ‘what’, but the ‘how’ that’s most important). Participants build their own sense of camaraderie and commitment – sessions are highly interactive, participants are challenged through case studies and supported with all necessary material. These workshops provide a solid foundation for successful implementation of key business development structures at the practice level.

We can tailor and implement a training & skilling program for your management team as needed. These can be delivered individually or on a team basis – your call. Our aim will be to give your managers the skills and confidence required to support your advisers. Personalised ‘one on one’ training and joint adviser appointments are also available.

What will you receive?

Fully customised and integrated programs for your network.

Why go to the effort?

You will be providing structured support to your network of Advisers and/or BDMs – clearly demonstrating your commitment and value.


Head office:

PH +61 2 9518 6966
ABN 32 095 039 277